hi , i would like to share some of the tips for glowing skin and I read a lot about it and following certain things to have better skin and to be healthy...
1. After getting up drink lots of water about a bottle full( to detoxify)
2. Take some time and do jogging for 10 min initially or brisk walking for 1/2 hr initially then increase alternatively with some basic yogic exercise including breathing this is because when you workout you sweat and sweat throws out the toxins which cleans your skin and the blood circulates well , making your skin glow... do not forget to sip water while exercising ... on the whole exercise and water makes wonder for skin in turn helps in healthy body too...
3. Eat fruits everyday oranges, papaya, sweet lime are real good , include tomatoes in your food they are very good for skin.. eat curds everyday..
4. Do not take hot bath everyday only when you feel tired or sick else take cold or warm water bath..
5.Carry an umbrella in the hot sun .. after a sun tan apply tomato pulp and take a cold bath.. and wear warm clothes in the chill especially socks ( even at home) else you get a cracked feet
6. Do pranayama regularly atleast for 1/2 hr ... this will surly help you get good oxygen needed for the cells in turn helping in good skin, and good health..
7.Apply avacado oil which is natural for dry skin its real good non sticky better than creams and lotion .. apply it in the night even to your lips.. in winters it makes wonders ..you get many brands , biotic is real good..
8. Avoid creams as much as possible they damage the skin rather helping.. use natural oil which suits your skin..they are in the amrket to make bussiness fooling us and adds completely fool us .. dont be carried away use your sense and be natural...
9. Avoid make up.. be natural... if needed apply but dont keep it for long ... in unavoidable situations use the best one do not go for the cheap saying its economical .. make good research before buying products .. since you get many fake ones in market..
10 For the cracked heels dip legs in warm water with milk cream for 10 min.. scrub it with honey and sugar for 5-10 min then rub with hot water towel..then apply oil... and wear a socks...
11. For oily face wash your face with cold water many times a day.. use the chick pea flour instead of soaps and face washes all time.. keep lime water ( lime squeezed in water ) in the fridge and apply it on the face in the evening after all the work outside is done ...then wash .. apply ice all over the face ... this not only removes oil but also prevents acne..
12. For the acne.. the best is not to apply any cosmetic creame... or make up over it .. follow the above , and exercises and drink lots of water to remove toxins... in addition drink bitter gourd , cucumber , juice tomato , carrot juices often... also use freshly ground neem leaves on the face as a pack often...
13.With all this you need to control the food habbits .. for oily skin- do not eat buttery, oil, heavy non veg ( veg is best you can get protiens from milk ,soya , grains) fried , junk food ..
14 For dry skin do not eat pungent sour food like use of tamarind , lime should be reduced very much ...
15. On the whole have a good diet full of fruits , vegetables, green leafy ones, fruits and vegetables, juices with very less sugar or without sugar use jaggery instead..use less oil , cut down coffee , tea , choclates ,chips , soda keep lots of gap eating them drink milk , buttermilk, curds , lots of water ... keep the mind cool do yoga , pranayama, and stretching exercises with walk or jog on alternate days .. sweat it out... and have a good sleep... and have a good routine...
i hope it will benefit you but to get the best results always have continuity and committment...