Can We Predict Volcanic Eruptions?

>> Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Today there are many active volcanoes worldwide .Is there anything we have so that we can predict how and when they will erupt?
Its a very important question, as the world population grows, many and many people live in the potentially dangerous volcanic areas.Volcanic eruptions continue--as they have throughout most of geologic time--posing ever-greater threats to life and property.
Mt. Rainier looms over the Seattle/Tacoma area, endangering a population of more than three million people.Tungurahua Volcano, near the town of Banos and the larger city of Ambato, is an active volcano in the Eastern Cordillera of Ecuador's Andes Mountains. Approximately 20,000 people live in the area below the volcano.
The Chaiten volcano in southern Chile has been erupting .It's last eruption was 9000 years ago.
It is pumping quite a bit of ash onto the atmosphere. In fact it has a thin trail from it's point of origin across the continent and over the Atlantic.More than 4,000 people have already fled.
Another million people living in the Naples area are threatened by Mt. Vesuvius' continued unrest. Rather the predictions can be performed by the volcanologists as they can use some proper toolkits aur techniques like measuring vapours for the particular volcano but if that could be possible then why should thousands of lives destroy ??
The need for planning is urgent because the life is in danger.


Unknown July 16, 2008 at 1:16 PM  

There is just a minor chance to predict an eruption.
There's only so much money available and it's used to monitor some. Chemical, seismologic and visual analysis. That's about it.

Many vulcanos are not watched.

I for myself think that there should be far more cooperation between seismologists and vulcanologists, linking the date about earthquakes and vulcanos.

I for myself think that the earth is in constant movement and there are patterns.
When earthquakes can't release and relieve the "stress", the vulcanos open.

Unknown July 16, 2008 at 8:13 PM  

very nice information I appreciate your commenting.

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